Automatic reception
The automatic reception system is an excellent system for storing and issuing keys to hotel guests and accepting hotel reservations. It allows for comfortable reception-free service for people visiting hotels and tourist facilities. The device allows for quick and easy collection of the room key in the absence of, for example, the owner of the guesthouse or the person responsible for issuing it. It also often happens that people arrive or leave the facility late at night or early in the morning. Thanks to the built-in payment terminal, the device allows you to make an independent reservation and payment using a payment card.
The device can be integrated with Channel Manager (CMR) software.
Rezerwacja otrzymana za pośrednictwem kanałów sprzedaży ( bezpośrednich, np. telefon do hotelu czy strona internetowa obiektu, OTA (, Expedia, itd), GDS (Global Distribution Systems), wholesalers) jest przekazywana automatycznie z oprogramowania CMR do urządzenia, które generuje kod dostępu. Kod dostępu jest wysyłany do gościa za pomocą wiadomości e-mail/sms wraz z potwierdzeniem rezerwacji. Oprogramowanie urządzenia otrzymuje również informację o modyfikacji/anulowaniu rezerwacji i w odpowiedni sposób ją przetwarza.
How it works
→ The customer makes a reservation for their stay (directly or online)
→ Receives a generated access code via SMS/e-mail
→ Upon arrival, they log in to the device using it and collect the key to the apartment
→ Additionally, before collection, you can make a card payment
(if you did not do it earlier or it was not required when booking).
The key is returned in a similar manner after the stay has ended. The code is active for the entire duration of the stay, so when leaving the premises, you can leave the key in the locker to prevent it from being lost.
Safety at the highest level!
The casing of the device is made of strong steel and access to its interior is protected by locks of the sixth, highest security class. The Automatic Reception has a sensor for detachment from the wall, service opening, a battery that supports the operation of the device in the event of a power failure for at least 24 hours, an alarm siren and the possibility of connecting to the alarm and fire protection system. The door to the key cabinet and each of the lockers has its own opening sensor.
Cabinet for 12 keys or proximity cards for hotel rooms

Learn more about
the system and its benefits
Contact us!
We will advise on the best solutions for a given building and estimate the real costs of implementing the system.
Adress: ul. Rybitwy 22, 30-722 Kraków Tel: (+48) 12 410 20 33 e-mail: